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What to Eat to Prevent Colds and Flu

Hate getting sick in the winter? Fill your plate with plenty of these good-for-you foods to strengthen your immune system and protect yourself from colds and the flu this season.

Why do you seem to get every bug that passes through town, while your husband and friends remain healthy? Blame your immune system, the network of cells and organs that fights off illness (or tries to, anyway). How often you get sick is partly genes, plus the bacteria and viruses you're exposed to. But lifestyle is also key: exercise, sleep and stress. Read on for how to get your system in fighting shape by watching what you eat.


Eat Plenty of Protein

Photo: Ryan Benyi
Your body needs protein to make white blood cells, which are the backbone of the immune system. Many protein-rich foods, including lean meat and fish, provide other immunity-boosting nutrients, too, such as B vitamins, iron, omega-3 fatty acids and zinc. So pile on the protein, making sure you have some at every meal. A sample day's worth might be 8 ounces of yogurt at breakfast, a cup of beans with salad for lunch, a handful of almonds for a snack and 3 ounces of chicken during dinner.


Load Up on Immune-Boosting Fruits and Vegetables

In addition to protein, it's also essential to eat a good mix of produce to ensure you get an array of nutrients. Aim to get your daily 8 to 9 servings of fruits or vegetables, which could help to reduce the risk of a cold by about 25 percent, according to research. Aim for at least two colors per meal. One veggie to add: shiitake mushrooms, which might increase natural killer T cells.


Stock Up on Fish

Photo: Helene Dujardin
Eat mackerel, salmon or tuna at least twice each week. Such fatty varieties of fish are rich in omega-3s, which might reduce your risk of respiratory infection, probably by boosting levels of virus-fighters such as helper T cells.


Pick the Right Supplements

The drugstore might be full of so-called immunity boosters, but there's strong evidence for only two of them: vitamin D and probiotics. One large study found that people low in vitamin D were 40 percent more likely to become ill. Because it's difficult to get enough D from food, you need a supplement. Most doctors recommend 10,000 international units daily.
When it comes to probiotics, try a daily over-the-counter supplement; take as directed. It might slash your risk of an upper respiratory infection by about 12 percent.
