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Question of The Week

My stats are off. Within the past month... Give or take... I've approached at least... Ten girls... Five phone numbers... And no dates... ?
I'm not a social media hookup guy. I don't think I can manage that... I'm old school... Approaching women at the mall or store or elsewhere. Something is off, I don't know what I'm doing wrong, im not rude, a sleaze, or a male chauvinist pig... I just want a girlfriend, and it seems like I've been getting no love at all. Is it my approach? My grooming? My whole being?


  1. 1. Of the 5 numbers that you got did you reach out and get a reply from all of them?
    2. Were they all single?
    3. Did you attempt to set something up the FIRST day of texting?
    4. If so, what was the excuse?
    5. Are these women fairly close to you?
    6. Was the convo strictly through text or over the phone?
    7. If you did ask them out what did you say (need your specific dialogue)?

    1. I did reach out. I didn't get a reply from two. All three gave me a beating around the bush story.
      2. An assumptive "yes" ? I mentioned in my previous comment that I don't ask a woman if she is single or not, I will usually know when I ask for the number.
      3. My first text is along the lines of "it was nice meeting you, we should hangout..." No set up.
      4. N/a
      5. All in my proximity, yes.
      6. All text, one hung up on me when I called.
      7. This I think I do need work on. My verbiage is "hangout, take you out for coffee, what are your plans this week?, etc.."

    2. My first text is along the lines of "it was nice meeting you, we should hangout..." No set up."

      I'd avoid the phrase "hangout" and go for something a little more definitive.

      Consider "hangout with me" vs "I was wondering if I could take you out for a coffee on Thursday... say 5 PM at (location)" or "I'm heading out Friday with some friends to (bar name) around (time). If you're interested, you should grab some friends and come out. It'll be fun."

      "7. This I think I do need work on. My verbiage is "hangout, take you out for coffee, what are your plans this week?, etc.."

      I'd avoid asking for her plans. Make a well defined suggestion (e.g. time, location, activity) and judge her interest by her response. (Anything other than a yes or an alternate suggestion is a basically a no.)


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